Thursday, December 4, 2008


Last night we were treated to – or subjected to depending upon your point of view – Fox network’s new Secret Millionaire reality show. This is a twist on what Oprah did earlier. On last night's premiere a rich father and son in CA and a wealthy married couple in Louisiana went “undercover” in impoverished neighborhoods to live for 10 days on a meager welfare budget and work among financially destitute people. At the show's conclusion, the millionaires revealed their true identity and gave a minimum of $100,000 of personal money to deserving people.

I may have been uncomfortable with the cameras, but the vicarious experience of giving brought me to tears. This is a contemporary “Christmas Carol" of the privileged learning how the Bob Cratchits of America live. It is no surprise to those of us in fundraising for nonprofit organizations that wealthy people are deeply concerned about their own physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional health and that of their community.

This show comes on the heels of a conversation I had the other day with organization leaders about the wisdom of investing time and money in making sure the donor and volunteer experiences at our charities are rewarding for those who help us do what we do best. Here are a few items to put on the year end checklist:

Our donors and volunteers must regularly be assured in meaningful ways that they are wanted, needed and appreciated!

Be sure those donors who do have to withdraw their support for economic reasons are still in the communications loop, as a common courtesy and so they will return when times are better.

Regular, top notch, active communication with your donors about your work, impact and achievements fosters confidence and loyalty.

Engage potential donors in non-financial ways (advocacy, hands on help, enewsletters, etc.); tap their volunteer spirit and expertise. Their solidarity may grow stronger and the enthusiasm you generate for your cause may lead them to consider your organization as their new social investment opportunity.

For more on Public Interest Fundraising’s January symposium on fundraising in this economy, email


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