According to the recent Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Compensation and Benefits Study, the average salary for U.S. charitable fundraisers increased by 7.4 percent – from $71,199 in 2008 to $76,482 in 2009. This growth in salary is a stark difference to the two percent drop in salaries reported in last year's survey.
"The results of the 2009-2010 compensation survey show that in spite of difficult economic conditions, nonprofit leaders understand the critical role fundraisers play in the financial success of their organizations, and are willing to compensate them accordingly," according to Paulette Maehara, president and CEO of AFP.
"Fundraising knowledge and know-how are still in huge demand, especially in a challenging economy when giving is at a premium," she said. "With government budgets at all levels declining, charities must look more than ever to private support from individuals, corporations and foundations. The need for trained and capable fundraisers who can reach out to and inspire diverse groups of donors is greater than ever."
Fundraising remains one of the strongest professions with opportunities for both new and experienced practitioners. The number of postings on AFP's job board has doubled over the past year.
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