Sunday, August 23, 2009


Reminiscent of ol’ Mother Hubbard, recently my cupboard was bare and Max was without dog chow. I dashed to the nearest grocery store without a coupon, foregoing the pet store farther away that regularly discounts provisions. Like some nonprofits, I was desperate!

Many groups are practicing time-is-of-the-essence fundraising. In a financial crisis, they are turning to their board members to bring in money hastily to cover a budget shortfall or major financial loss. By doing so, development professionals are setting Board members up for unpleasant (and very often unsuccessful) fundraising experiences. Fundraising is about building relationships, friend-raising. It can’t be done on the fly.

Our rule of thumb is usually seven touch points before a supporter is asked for a major gift. Use information beyond donations to personalize and improve relationships. Track events; newsletters; correspondence whether by mass or individual email, letter or phone calls; personal meetings; correspondence; surveys; birthday greetings; previous appeals. Integrating interest and capacity ratings into your tracking system clarifies readiness and will focus your Board member solicitation process and appeals. Board members, a precious commodity, will appreciate it.


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