Friday, April 30, 2010


This from a Soros Open Society Institute Public Health Program officer on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, who reports the Obama Administration is notifying the health providers it funds that they can only put new people on AIDS treatment if some of the patients they are already treating die: “Well, we just got our hands on a letter the U.S. government sent to (AIDS) treatment providers in Uganda in October, 2009. It says:

“PEPFAR Implementing partners who directly provide antiretroviral treatment should only enroll new ART patients if they are sure that these new patients can continue to be supported without a future increase in funding...

“In filling treatment slots that are made empty through attrition – i.e. deaths and loss to follow-up estimated at 12-30% annually – priority should be given to the sickest patients, eligible pregnant women, children, TB/HIV patients, and family members of persons on ART. Partners should provide support as needed to ensure that patient information records are up to date and an equitable system of triage for total ART slots is worked out within their sites before enrolling any new patients.”

Yoohoo, Boston Globe, follow up here, please.

*President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)


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