Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I started a small conversation on LinkedIn the other day. My point was that schools and organizations and consultants are offering grantwriting courses, but writing is not enough to secure a grant. “Many nonprofits do not realize the value of program knowledge, foundation research and relationship building to the grantsmanship process. Writing in a vacuum rarely leads to success.”

Gail Perry, author of Fired Up Fundraising: Turn Board Passion into Action and former major gifts officer at Duke wrote, “You are totally right. So many nonprofits - and board members too - think that hiring a "grantwriter" is the magic bullet that will rescue their fundraising program. They don't understand that grantseeking is what you might call "a body contact sport." That is, it requires person-to-person conversation. You have to cultivate grantor relationships just like you do individuals. Grantwriting courses shortchange their students if they don't include relationship-development and cultivation strategies.”

Two development pros – same advice – free. You’re welcome!


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