Monday, September 28, 2009


Chicago is living up to its Windy City name. Christopher Columbus* may have stayed home on a day like this. So, too, many nonprofit organizations are staying close to shore in philanthropy land with no plans to let out the sails during the balmy days of October, November and December. For many charities, donations made in the crucial end-of-year fundraising season make up a disproportionate share of the money they receive for the entire year ­– in some cases as much as 60%.

The pressure on fundraising professionals is obvious. This recession is most similar to that of 1974 -- and it took
three years for donations to return to the same level. Knowing that, nonprofits need to concentrate as much on strategic fundraising as they do on programs and service delivery to carry out their missions. The same old appeals and shop worn messages may negate their efforts in the current climate.

If that is the case, what are the best ways to articulate your program and your need? What are the best ways to deliver the message for major donors, special events, direct mail, telephone and online appeals? You cannot afford to leave these questions unanswered and leave money on the table. Call me if you want to learn how to increase your opportunities or if you need an additional hand on deck this quarter: 847.227.7174.

*“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”


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